Dugniolle 4 (PDF)




Dugniolle 4 (PDF)

Dr. J.-F. Dugniolle, Le jeton historique  des 17 provinces des Pays Bas, Original is from 1876. Tome 4: nrs. 4428 – 4904, 17e and 18e century, corrections and register.  Langue Francais. 300 pages.

Dr. J.-F. Dugniolle published 4 books about the jetons of the 17 provinces of The Netherlands in 1876. This work still is the reference for Dutch and Belgian tokens.
The books are in French language and a reprint can be ordered as a PDF.

The reprint is of the 1876 books; no photo’s in that time! Only a few engravings. For a full description you need these books!

For the pictures of the jetons you can visit the website www.dugniolle.com